Known in several different countries for his astounding artwork, biting wit and charming personality, John Moran recently relocated to the historic city of Ghent, Belgium. After receiving his degree from Tyler School of Art in 2006, he spent several years working in the Philadelphia area. Since then, he has traversed the globe in search of knowledge, and employment. In 2009, John was awarded a Creative Glass Center of America Fellowship at Wheaton Arts. In early 2010, he was invited to IKA Mechelen, Belgium as an artist in residence and guest instructor, where he found history, trappist beer, and love. Upon his return to the states he moved a car full of his worldly possessions west, where after three long and grueling years, he attained his MFA from Illionois State University. His work reflects his interests in politics, philosophy, religion and human social behavior meshed with his sense of humor and a touch of altruism. He has exhibited at SOFA Chicago and several fine galleries around the country as well as few international galleries and museums.